Revisit the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Think about your own dreams. And then step back into an earlier time to visit the home front in 1967 during the Viet Nam era.
This is the beginning of the Fulfillment campaign. Watch this space for more Fulfillment and ...tell everyone.
Read a short story: Little Miss Forgotten available at Amazon for $0.99
About Little Miss Forgotten
The time is summer 1967, and you’re soon to be drafted when you meet her. But what is she?
Little Miss Forgotten is a suspense thriller mixed with lively humor and teen angst. Add a twist of horror and mystery. Set in the midst of war and fear of war. Life on the home front during the Viet Nam era. Short Story. 3,000 words.
Story Preview
"Do you wanna dance?" Okay, it was the name of a top ten hit, and today's kids would sneer if they heard me, but in 1967 it worked.
She hesitated. She frowned. She stared for what seemed an eternity, (about three seconds). "Sure, why not?"
I don't remember the song. The band was on break, and the young kids who worked as house deejays were playing records. It was a fast one. You just didn't ask a girl to dance a slow one the first time. You had to dance a couple of fast ones first. At a nice suburban Catholic church hall like Holy Cross, a girl accepting a slow dance was giving you an invitation to climb all over her.
For your Kindle: Little Miss Forgotten available at Amazon for $0.99
Need another format? Send me a buck and I'll send you a PDF. Three bucks gets you the hard copy paper version. Email me to start the ball rolling.
Fulfillment... Tell Everyone!