Scary Humor

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Visiting the First Century

Today's video is about the research process I used for writing Fulfillment, my suspense novel of the first Christmas.

Scary Reads for Christmas
Click here to download a copy of my top 50 Amazon suspense novel Fulfillment for your Kindle.

One of my Amazon reviewers called it “… the most unique version of the Christian Nativity story ever written.”

Click here to download a copy of my top 40 Amazon horror novel Hags for your Kindle.

An ex-con is accused of serial murders while battling a human-sized faerie and hags as evil as any from the middle ages. As the body count mounts, will he learn the secret of the hags before he becomes a victim? Set in Naperville, Illinois.

Both ebooks are only $2.99 each.

Paperbacks make the perfect gift. Visit my Amazon author page by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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Monday, December 3, 2012

What Was Satan Thinking About?


This holiday season I'm repeating a series of videos I produced last year to introduce readers to my Christmas novel, Fulfillment. In today's video, I explain my thinking behind the writing of my suspense novel of the first Christmas. What was Satan thinking about while God was going about the business of sending his son to save the world? Since Jesus is too tough for him to take on, he decides to kill the mother. And therein lies the tale.

Scary Reads for Christmas
Click here to download a copy of my top 50 Amazon suspense novel Fulfillment for your Kindle.
One of my Amazon reviewers called it “… the most unique version of the Christian Nativity story ever written.”

Click here to download a copy of my top 40 Amazon horror novel Hags for your Kindle.
An ex-con is accused of serial murders while battling a human-sized faerie and hags as evil as any from the middle ages. As the body count mounts, will he learn the secret of the hags before he becomes a victim? Set in Naperville, Illinois.

Both ebooks are only $2.99 each.

Paperbacks make the perfect gift. Visit my Amazon author page by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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Friday, November 30, 2012

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Fulfillment is the first novel I published but not the first one I’ve written. I’ve written five novels so far and you’ll be seeing more of my work in the coming years. I also am the author of two nonfiction books as well as a book of short “solve-it-yourself” mystery stories. Three of my short works of fiction are available on and other outlets.

And I’m no beginner. Writing is not something I just decided to do one day. I have a degree in English Literature and have served as a professional writer for more than 30 years. I was first paid for my writing as a journalist working as a “stringer” for a daily newspaper in suburban Philadelphia beginning my senior year of college.

I have been writing for businesses for decades creating newsletters, websites, brochures, press releases and the other marketing and communications materials companies need. I have written hundreds of scripts for industrial videos. I’ve worked on writing and marketing projects with more than 60 of the Fortune 500 companies plus hundreds of mid-size and smaller companies.

I also write videos for a major university that has achieved successful billion-dollar fund raising campaigns – not once, but twice – two multibillion dollar fund raisers – with my help as a script writer. This same university commissioned me to write a stage play honoring the 125th anniversary of their alumni association.

My entry into the world of fiction is a logical next move. I didn’t take this step lightly. Before releasing Fulfillment, it went through 16 drafts. It was vetted by members of two writing groups and several first readers.

Despite my long and successful career earning my living as a professional writer, I took the time to learn the craft of writing fiction and the time to hone my skills so that the book you will be reading is of the highest caliber.

During the past few years, I led two writer’s groups – one online and one that meets in person. Not only have I developed my skills as a fiction writer, but I also have helped other writers develop their craft, some of whom you’ll be hearing from in the near future as they present their work to the public.

Download Fulfillment free today for your Kindle
Click here to download a free copy of my Christmas novel, Fulfillment, for your Kindle. If you prefer, you may purchase the paperback version on the same Amazon page. The paperback "buy" link is below the book cover image. And you may click on the book cover to read a section of the novel for free before you download your copy. That's always a good idea to see if you like the novel before downloading it.

See all of my Amazon books by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Read Fulfillment Now?

Fulfillment tells the age old story of the birth of Christ in a new way for a modern audience. Whether you attend church every Sunday and know the Christmas story by heart… or you never heard the story before… you’ll love Fulfillment.

You’ll enjoy experiencing the birth of Jesus in a new way that breathes life into the story. When people talk about the great love stories in literature, they rarely mention Joseph and Mary. Yet theirs is one of the most endearing love stories of all time. Think of Mary, betrothed to Joseph and then an apparent tragedy – Mary becomes pregnant. Joseph knows he isn’t the father. Mary must have cheated on him, right? What should he do? What would you do? How should Joseph respond to what he thinks is Mary’s betrayal?

You’ll marvel at Mary’s courage and the way she grows from a young teen into a woman ready to take on Satan to protect the child in her womb. You’ll wonder at her faith while the people around her call her a liar and worse.

You’ll laugh and cry through the events of Bethlehem, especially the adventure as seen through the eyes of the shepherds. And you’ll feel Mary’s terror as she deals with the ultimate evil bent on destroying her and her child.

At this point you may also be wondering about who I am to be writing such a story. Visit this blog tomorrow for the answer.

Download Fulfillment free today for your Kindle
Click here to download a free copy of my Christmas novel, Fulfillment, for your Kindle. If you prefer, you may purchase the paperback version on the same Amazon page. The paperback "buy" link is below the book cover image. And you may click on the book cover to read a section of the novel for free before you download your copy. That's always a good idea to see if you like the novel before downloading it.

See all of my Amazon books by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Christmas Story As Never Told Before

The Christmas story appears in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the Bible. As proper and fitting for scripture, the gospel writers deal with the birth of Christ in solemn, reverent terms.

And you may have seen some of the movies or read novels that depict the birth of Christ. They, too, treat the subject with awe and reverence. The only trouble is, when you hold Mary and Joseph in a high state of reverence, you lose sight of who they really were. As a result they often appear as flat characters with little or no more personality than a plaster statue.

Fulfillment will change the way you think about the first Christmas
My novel Fulfillment changes everything. I wrote the story by asking, “What was Satan up to while God was going about the business of sending his son to save the world?”

In my story, Satan sets out to stop the birth of Christ. Since Jesus is too powerful to take on directly, he decides to kill the mother before Jesus is born.

Of course you know how the story ends. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The suspense, horror and awe in my novel occur on the journey along the way.

If the idea of Satan hungering for your soul doesn’t keep you awake at night, read Fulfillment. It will.

Download Fulfillment free today for your Kindle
Click here to download a free copy of my Christmas novel, Fulfillment, for your Kindle. If you prefer, you may purchase the paperback version on the same Amazon page. The paperback "buy" link is below the book cover image. And you may click on the book cover to read a section of the novel for free before you download your copy. That's always a good idea to see if you like the novel before downloading it.

See all of my Amazon books by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What does an unwed pregnant teenager say to her father?

The Christmas Story As Never Told Before

Like many others, you may be curious about what life was like for Mary, Joseph and the other people mentioned in the Christmas story. What did Mary say to her parents when she became pregnant with Jesus? How did her parents react?

What was it like for Joseph to be told his fiance was pregnant when he thought she was a virgin? How did it make him feel? He was in love with her and then she announced she was to have a baby.

Did anyone believe Mary when she said that God himself was the baby’s father? Or did her friends and family accuse her of blasphemy?

We may never know exactly what Mary said or did when she became pregnant other than what you can read in the Gospel account. But if we keep in mind that she was a real person, not a plaster saint, but flesh and blood, then you can begin to imagine that she wasn’t much different than any modern teenager. Can you imagine Mary after the angel’s visit as it sinks in that she is pregnant and unmarried? What will she say to her mother? How will her dad react? And remember, first century rules apply, including a death sentence for women who commit the sin of fornication.

While we’re on the subject of Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ, what do you suppose Satan was thinking about when he found out God chose Mary to become the mother of Jesus?

Free Fulfillment - for 5 days only beginning today
Click here to download a free copy of my Christmas novel, Fulfillment, for your Kindle starting today and running through Saturday, December 1st. If you prefer, you may purchase the paperback version on the same Amazon page. The paperback "buy" link is below the book cover image. And you may click on the book cover to read a section of the novel for free before you download your copy. That's always a good idea to see if you like the novel before downloading it.

See all of my Amazon books by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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Monday, November 26, 2012

My Holiday Giveaway

My holiday gift to you really is a Christmas present this year. For five days beginning tomorrow, November 27th, 2012, you may download a free copy of the Kindle version of Fulfillment, my novel of the first Christmas.

Fulfillment will change the way you think about the first Christmas. One of my Amazon reviewers called it “… the most unique version of the Christian Nativity story ever written.” So far, it’s received one five-star and two four-star reviews. (For my Christmas present, I’m hoping Santa… and you… enjoy Fulfillment enough to give it a five-star review on Amazon.)

I wrote Fulfillment by first asking: What was Satan up to while God was going about the business of sending his son to save the world?

In my story, Satan sets out to stop the birth of Christ. Since Jesus is too powerful to take on directly, Satan decides to kill the mother before Jesus is born. Of course you know how the story ends. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The suspense, horror and awe in my novel occur on the journey. If the idea of Satan hungering for your soul doesn’t keep you awake at night, read Fulfillment. It will.

Free Fulfillment - for 5 days only beginning tomorrow
Click here to download a free copy of my Christmas novel, Fulfillment, for your Kindle starting tomorrow, November 27th and running through Saturday, December 1st. You may purchase the paperback version on the same Amazon page. The paperback "buy" link is below the book cover image. And you may click on the book cover to read a section of the novel for free before you download your copy. That's always a good idea to see if you like the novel before downloading it.

And if you can't wait that long, it's only a couple of bucks on my Amazon Author Page. See all of my Amazon books by clicking here.

Need a Kindle? Download the free version of the Kindle reader for your computer, tablet or smart phone from Amazon by clicking here.

Here’s another novel idea…
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